Title: Of Love and Latkas Characters: HRE/Chibitalia, Hungary & Austria Challenge: Bingo Challenge 1 Square Filled: Latkas Rating: G Summary: Austria makes some latkas and HRE and Chibitalia are happy…
Title: Hot Chocolate Love Characters: HRE/Chibitalia, mention of Prussia, Spain, Hungary & Austria Challenge: Bingo Challenge 1 Square Filled: Marshmallow World Rating: G Summary: HRE and Chibitalia share a private moment together…
Title: Ghost Stories Characters: Japan mention of America Challenge: Challenge 13: Spook Bonus Words: pumpkin, terror, bones Rating: G Summary: Japan realizes America was right about the book of ghost stories he gave him… ( Read more... )
Title: Still Waiting Characters: Chibitalia, mentions of Holy Roman Empire Challenge: Prompt: Anniversary Bonus Words: promise, loss, gain, time Rating: K Summary: Chibitalia wonders when Holy Rome will come back home. A/N: I bet we all get diabetes by just seeing the bits and pieces of Chibitalia. XD
These three stories sort of belong together. You don't need to read them in order or read all of them, but they are ment to be following up one another.
Title: Young Love Characters: Holy Roman Empire and Chibitalia Challenge: August 2012: Cooperate Bonus Words: Peace, willing, stubborn, friend Rating: G Summary: HRE has a crush on Chibitalia…